When a documentary filmmaker decides to take on the infamous Jack Wyck murders, Alice, a professor of folklore, finds herself forced to confront the summer she and her best friends fell under the sway of the charismatic man who tattooed his name on the insides of their legs, and for whom they would do absolutely anything.
This is the one you need to read. So much beauty and horror and terror and humanity and tragedy and sadness and lightness, all perfectly calibrated and written with prose that sings. The Singing Bone is so much more than it needed to be. I would have read this even if it were formulaic and one-dimensional and ended with a cat-and-mouse showdown where Jack Wyck explains everything to Alice while chasing her in a basement or across a widow’s walk. Spoiler alert: neither of those shitty climaxes happen because this book rises above all that shit because Beth Hahn knows how to tell a story. If anything in the description appeals to you then trust me, you will be so much happier than you can ever imagine. Buy it, read it.