How to Turn a Book Into a Movie

I’m often asked what I look for when I evaluate books for the movie biz.

First and foremost, I look for the elements that are important to my employers–things that they are specifically looking for in terms of genre, execution, etcetera. I read for a couple of different places, and each has a slightly different mandate.

In general, in order for a book to become a movie it has to have a strong, forward-moving plot line, and a premise that you can easily picture on a poster or in a TV ad campaign. Deal killers are:

1) The story has been done before
2) The concept is “soft”–takes too long to explain because it has a lot of nuance. This is also called “execution dependent.” The Hours is a prime example of this. Generally speaking, you can only get away with a soft concept when the book is a bestseller.
3) The story is small, meaning the stakes don’t feel like they matter very much or that the obstacles seem easily surmountable.

If you have read a book and think you have what it takes to turn it into a movie–


It is imperative that you obtain the film rights to the book before you begin the adaptation.

“But Superfast Reader, what if I write it so good that the movie people just have to have it?”

The answer to that is litigation.

If the rights have already been taken, not only will no one read your script, they might actually take legal action against you to stop you from writing (and the law would be on their side). In the case of Writers’ Guild credit arbitration, which determines, in the case of multiple writers, who contributed what elements to a screenplay, only writers hired by the rights-holder will be considered. So if you think one of your ideas ended up in the movie, you’re basically out of luck–unless you know for sure that someone at that company read your script and stole your idea. These kinds of lawsuits do happen, but they are very costly to bring to court. And because of high-profile story-stealing cases like Coming to America, studios, financiers, and production companies are on their guard. Nobody, and I mean nobody, in their right mind will touch your script for their with a 10-foot pole.

If the rights aren’t available, you might think that you should write the screenplay to prove that the book would make a great movie, enticing a moneybags to option the book for you. Here, you run the risk of losing the book to someone else, which would take you back into the nightmare of the 1st situation. You’re just setting yourself up for heartbreak.

To find out rights availability for a book, the official route is to call the publisher and ask to speak to “Subsidiary Rights.” More than likely, you will get a recording requesting that you fax or email a request. Some publishers have this information on their websites as well. You are inquiring about the film rights, and in your letter you must also establish why they should give you this information. If they don’t deem you a legitimate candidate, they might never, ever respond to you.

The good news is that many writers have websites and allow you to contact them directly. Your best bet, if you really fall in love with a book, is to make your case directly to the author, and get him on your side. If you’re lucky, you’ll hit it off and she’ll option her book to you. Now you have the legal right to shop the book around, write the screenplay, and make the movie.

Last night’s work read was the new book by a best-selling author who I just really don’t get at all. His books are way too weird for me, and this was no exception.

529 thoughts on “How to Turn a Book Into a Movie”

  1. To Diane,

    Package it up as a submission to only Publishers that publish this type of material. Read their guidelines and see if they would prefer a query letter or the first three chapters.
    Check out the book from the library call the Writer’s Market. This list all publishers and what they are looking for.

  2. In order to have a book read as a possible movie script does it have to be rewritten as a script?
    Also, what is the best way to get your book into the hands of a person that would consider it for a movie?
    My husband has an amazing story to tell, a true life story. The story has already been written as a book, little known. Every person that has read the book loves it and has the same comment, “this should be a movie”.
    Its definitely not “soft” material. Its has all of the heart wrenching and inspiring elements great movies are made of, yet it is a story only one man in the world can own because he is the ONLY man to have ever accomplished what he has.
    Just looking for ways to get the story in the right hands.

  3. To Shane
    If it has already been published by a publisher, you need to look at the contract that was signed due to the fact that the Publisher would have the rights about the “movie rights” unless this has been done by a on-demand-publisher.

    You will need to have it in script format for it to be read as a movie script.

    And for the right hands, you will need an agent that has connections and the know how for this type of project.


  4. Would I need to also need to obtain film rights if I got some ideas or content from a newspaper or magazine article?

  5. To Martin,
    Let me make sure that I am fully understanding your questions.

    Are you stating that you wish to write a spec script based on content from a news/magazine article?
    If that is what you are asking…then the answer is yes, if you will keep it the same.

    No, if you are trying to write something along the lines of Patricia Cromwell.

    However, when writing something based on something that has real people you must get permission to use all people involved. As you can be sued for writing about someone and placing characters based off of a real person.

    For example: Billionaire ‘s son dies in freak fall at home, and a week later girlfriend of billionaire is found hung in mid air with hands and feet bound.
    If you were to write something like this as the premise you would be sue. Why? Every one would know who you wrote about.

    To give you the best advice, I would need a little more details on what it is that you are trying to do.
    As a general rule, try to stay away from headlines as premise as these are very tricky in writing and obtaining rights to.


  6. So there’s this published fiction book which would be great for a movie. Is there a website of a famous movie making company which you can visit and recommend the book? A 20th century fox or something like that?
    I am in no way related to the author – just the idea of seeing the book made into a movie is very appealing to me.

  7. To John

    No there is not. Althought it would be helpful if it was such a thing.
    As a fan of a book you can write to a movie company if you wish, but the odds of it getting read is slim to none.

  8. I recently read a book that was funny, smart, witty and a great plot. After I finished the book I thought, this would be a great movie. Do all authors think that way and just hope someone reads it that might be interested. I know something of the back story about this author and know that he won’t do anything to push his book. How do I go about getting into the hands of someone that might be interested?

  9. HELLO,

    Wanda D.Baylis
    Author & Speaker

  10. I just read a wonderful ‘true crime’ book documenting the pursuit of a crazed killer by the authorities in the 1930s. It’s got everything imaginable for a great thriller movie, and I’m surprised it hasn’t been made into one yet.

    I’ve spoken to both the author and the owners of the book, who are telling me that they will cooperate if I option the film rights.

    My question is, since the book (and the case) are real and did happen; is that going to throw a legal socket-wrench in the gears if I write the script and accommodate the actual persons involved?

    Also, as the book does not currently have an option, would it be alright to start the script now and test the interest waters a bit before plunking down money for a film option?

  11. To Sean

    Before you write a script of this tale, you need to get releases from every one that will be in the script. As for testing the waters I would suggest that if you feel that you need to see this become a film then write a Treatment of the complete tale. Have the Author and Owner of said material sign a statement release based on you only writing a Treatment of the material to try and interest investors. This way no money will need to exchange hands.


  12. I Just finished reading a brilliant book about detectives and action. I would love to make the book into a Tv Show. The author is a massive bestselling author. I don’t have money to buy the rights. All I want to do is to write a Script and present it to a Tv network. I’d like to become the Series Creator, and Producer of it. How to I ask the author for these kind of rights

  13. To Carl

    Unless you personally know the Author or you have a friend who works on the inside your chances of this is slim. To pen a script based from a bestselling author will not be given to a writer that has not already worked with Producers in this business. Most Series Creator had to work their way up the ranks for this. And to be a Producer means that you need to be able to fund some of this venture on your own with the help of Investors. A Bestselling Author due to the fact that they have a Agent who handles this type of rights for them will not give this to some one who has no track record. It would simply be bad business on their end.

    But to answer your question here it is.
    You need to find out who the Agent is of said Author. Present the Agent with a Treatment or Beat Sheet of said material, if they are interested.
    To become a Series Creator, you need to be able to work with a group of writers on a day to day schedule and meet the deadline for each episode along with rewrites.
    As a Producer, you need to be able to gather funding for your show and run a tight budget of all funding coming in and out. Oversee all aspects of the show. This is not a easy job. The job is full of stress. This is just a small rundown.

    But here are some steps that I would suggest for you.
    1. Write a Spec Script for a Tv show that is currently on a network that you have been following and know the characters well enough that you can write a episode that will be in-step with the plotline.
    2. Find an Agent for a Original Pliot Script of a Tv that you have pen.

    Good Luck.


  14. thanks for the answers. Also i’m only 16 so what can i do to get stared in the business. I’m from Ireland too

  15. thanks for the answers. Also i’m only 16 so what can i do to get started in the business. I’m from Ireland too so thats doesn’t help

  16. My cousin wrote a fabulous mystery novel. It has been published and she has just completed the sequel, it will be a trilogy. I think, it would make a great movie. What would be her next step(s) to get the ball rolling? Thank You

  17. Carl,

    Since you are only 16 and from Ireland, in the states we have a lot of indy producers and writers. I would image that Ireland should have the same. I would try to write a small web series that you can produce and this could become your demo reel. You could perhaps see about doing an internship or become a showrunner. Or try to get a part time job in the mailroom of a studio there.
    Are you trying to break into the American market? If so, then write a tv spec script of a American show that is currently running. It is kind of hard for me to give you some advice, as a I am sure that Ireland has a different view on how things are done over there.


  18. Marsha

    If it is self publish, she will need to find a screenwriter who can do the script for the material.
    If it has been published by a major publisher, nothing. The Publisher and Agent are the only ones who can proceed with the next step.

  19. I recently have a awesome new urban fiction book that I wrote in mind of going to the big screen in films, I’ve been looking for producers to pitch my book to, but they are so hard to contact, I was however able to speak to an independent film maker would that be a good place to start first?

  20. Author Prophetess Gwendolyn King books entitled Gods Spoken Word A Habakkuk 2:3 Story and fiction my newly released book entitled You Dont Know My Name A Story Of Redemption can both be found on amazon. com barns & nobles. Your feedback is welcome.

  21. Gwendolyn

    As long as the Indy Producer can provide you with all the important contracts and does have a decent budget I would say to go ahead and talk. Before signing any paperwork, consult a Lawyer first or even a friend that can help with the reading.
    Contracts can have hidden agends that you may not be aware of. Make sure you are not getting rip off.

    Hope this helps.
    Good luck.

  22. I have found a book published in 1907-i have researched it and the result states “Not in Copyright”-Yet it is readable online–How do I obtain the movie rights to this book? If it is “Public Domain,” may I purchase copy rights for movie making so that the idea cannot be “stolen” from me?

  23. Anastasia

    Then you can use it as you like. However, make sure that it is not connected to an Heir estate as James Joyce’s books are. Then you will need to buy the rights from the estate.
    So you may start a script if you have done all the research. For copyright; you need to copyright the screenplay once it is finish.

    For more information you can go to the Copyright office web page.


  24. Dear Elaine,

    I’m about to hopefully close the rights to a book I want to turn into a tv series. I’ve worked in the business for a number of years but currently I am independently producing a few projects and still have great contacts. My plan was to try and write the pilot then go out with it to well-known showrunners with my pilot and a bible for most of the first season. Ultimately, I want to be a creator, or even be a co-creator with someone who is established. I haven’t worked in TV and I know this is usually reserved for people who are established. My question is, how do I best protect myself from someone saying, “thanks for the idea, here is an AP credit, now go sit in the corner.” My thinking was to try and write the pilot so this will ensure the level of involvement I want to have both creatively and credit wise. I’ve been told to just pitch my idea to showrunners rather than writing anything but again I fear being shut out. Thanks in advance for any advice.



  25. Chris,
    A Showrunner is first and foremost your best bet. It is still a long shot but try it first. Secondly, do you have any agent contacts, if so this would be a great second option. Reason is that Networks will not look at pitches from anyone that do not have substantial experience. And most are looking for a Supervising Producer credit for this. As far as retaining the creator quo will mean that you need to have four months in advance of your series scripted. Tv is a faster paced medium. Having your Bible for the series will help you in the fact that you have thought it out in full details which if you are not allowed to stay on board any other writer will be able to follow it and keep the series alive.

    Hope this help.

  26. Lucy,

    Has this book been publish yet? If so, a Agent would be needed.
    If you have an unpublished manuscript, you need to find a book publisher.


  27. I intend to write a book based entirely on my life. I intend to change names and locations because my family will really be hurt by the detail. Actually it might cause a lot of embarrassment and broken relations. Even though the names will be fictitious, can my family members sue me for this saying I used their real life situations? Also since no real names will be used will this be classified under non-fiction/memoir or it will then be fiction. What are the disadvantages of using a pseudonym? (interviews, book signing etc).
    Can a new author make it without having a so called platform..and how??

    Thank You,

  28. hi there!!!!!
    I have started writing my book and have already finished the 2nd chapter…..
    at the first, it wasn’t a book, i was wrote it as a film script(action and advernture), but at last i tought to first make it book and then film…..
    but how to publish and sell this book in other countries???? and how to get connect with some producers and directors to make this book a film?????
    help me please if you know……

  29. Mimmie,

    A memoir is to be based on the truth. Therefore it will be in the Nonfiction section.
    As far as changing the names, you can: (The Help) however, a family member will notice that they are in the story.
    Can family mention sue; yes. They have a right to deny what you are saying not to be the truth or that they have been presented in such a way that has cause considerable damange to their private life. Also known as “Libel and Slander.”
    The advantages of using a pseudonym is that if you should wish to write for another genre, you can easily do so by using another name.
    A new Author can make it by marketing the product. Set up a website that customer’s can read the first five pages of the book. Set up reading events and try to get on talk shows. And set up a You Tube page.


  30. Falak,

    Before you can think about turning this in to a film, you must finish the book manuscript first. After that you need to find a Publisher in your country or you can look for a Publisher from the Writer’s Market book this list all publishing companies in the U S.
    As for Producers, you will need to have a polished script.


  31. Hi once again,
    How can they sue me when I have changed their names, places and my name too, in other words I will relate this as a fiction story. Can’t one argue that the similarities are mere coincidence. Could it be that the problem will arise when, say, I have to market the book and therefore become public? Using a pseudonym means you don’t want to become known so how does one market the book if they are using a pseudonym, and what if Kathryn Stockett had used a pseudonym and ‘bang” the book and film became so popular-what then would she have done? I really have a story to tell…

    Thank you,

  32. Hi Mimmie,

    This is one of those catch twenty-twos. Let’s say that you do write it as fiction, and change all names. A person will still know that they were the subject matter of the piece. Would they win in the court of law…depends on how well they can prove it is. If every little detail that is written, ring true and there is ample evidence, you will lose and pay damanges. Kathryn Stockett won the case, because time had laspe for the lady who was talked about.
    Using a different name is more for people trying to break in to a market that is usually reserved for the opposite sex. Most Science Fiction is written by males. So as a woman you would probably want to use a male name. Romance is usually written by females, so a male would most likely have a better chance at sales as a woman.

    My question to you is this. If writting this story is going to change your relationship with these people, is it worth it? Relationships are hard to mend once broken.


  33. I have written a book and recently had it published. This book is about my life as a blind man. It depicts some of the struggles I had, being robbed in a different country when I went to do surgery, being swindled, verbally abused, lost my job etc. I would like to get this book in the hands of a screen play writer or a producer or something. The book is “A courageous walk in the dark” What is your advice to me.

  34. well i want to write books when I am older but i started reading a series called the pony pals and I want to help the author turn it into a movie but before you say anything I talk to the author over email and I wish to turn this into a movie If anyone can help me my email is
    please write to me if you can help me and the author of the pony pals jeanne betancourt thankyou for whoever read this and can help me

  35. I started writing a story a few months ago. I feel it could be a great movie or tv show. I think it could go either way. Where do I start?

  36. To Tay

    First you need to finish your story and get it publish. If you just want to go straight to movie only, then you need to have a finish screenplay.


  37. To Kunle

    Leave a link to the story and also tell where some one may purchase the book from and leave contact information.


  38. I wrote a script from one of Georgette Heyer’s historical romance novels. I cannot find information if it is under copyright laws here in America. The book was first published in England in the 1940’s. I realized writing this screenplay, using the book entitled, “The Screenwriter’s Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script by David Trottier, might have been a waste of time because I did not seek the family’s approval. But I also thought they would only be interested in reading the script once it was completed as I am a amateur screenplay writer. After working on it for 2 years, following every guideline, and every suggestion of the book mentioned above, I let friends read the screenplay (friends who love the genre but have not read this particular book). All of them said they could not put the screenplay down and bug me daily to seek further into having this book made into a movie.

    The one thing the book above does not mention is how do I go about getting permission from the family and/or publisher?
    Thanks for any help?

  39. I should have proofread my question to you before posting it…a few errors. Sorry.

    Let me retry:

    I wrote a screenplay from one of Georgette Heyer’s historical romance novels. I cannot find information if the book is under copyright protection here in America yet I am sure it is…but you suggest visiting the library…which I can do. The book was first published in England in the 1940′s.

    I knew, prior to writing the screenplay, I did not receive Heyer’s son’s (her only immediate family) approval. But I also thought he would only be interested in reading the script once it was completed as I am a amateur screenplay writer.

    After 2 years of writing and editing (part time), following every guideline and suggestion within the Trottier’s book, “The Screenwriter’s Bible: A Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script” I let friends read the screenplay (educated! friends who love the genre but have not read this particular book). All of them said they could not put the screenplay down (one stayed up until 2 am.) and they contact me often to see what I am doing to move the script forward.

    Tottier’s book does not mention how do I approach the family? Suggestions on what I do now?

  40. I’m a new author (just finishing a self-published book to hit the market next month) and would like to see my book as a movie. If I understand correctly I just need to contact my people and ask for movie rights. Is this right?
    After the fact, where can I get a list of companies to submit the manuscript? I already own all rights to the book and since I’m self-published I think I own movie rights too but I will double check.

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