Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, From A Game of Thrones to A Dance with Dragons by James Lowder, Ed.

A collection of essays about A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin.

As a huge ASOIAF fanatic, I couldn’t wait to read Beyond the Wall, even though it doesn’t totally make sense to release a book of criticism on an unfinished series. But like many fans, my appetite for all things Westeros will take whatever it can get.

I liked the diversity of essays in the book. My personal favorite was one on post-traumatic stress disorder as a condition affecting many of the characters. I only wish that the writer had also mentioned Jaime Lannister, who has always seemed to me as a classic example of someone whose personality was shaped by trauma (both the cruelty of his father Tywin and the atrocities committed by mad King Aerys Targaryen). I also loved the in-depth look at the women of ASOIAF that explained why the charges of sexism in the series show a superficial reading of the story.