Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Girl falls in love with vampire.

I know, I know, I’m a total latecomer to Twilight. And honestly I never would have picked it up if it weren’t for my dear friend’s commentary at Reads4Tweens. I also never would have read it if I hadn’t been able to get it for free for my Kindle from the library. I’ve never been that into vampires or romances. It wasn’t written as badly as I thought it was, but there were still some chunks that I glossed over because it was just enough already. I have put the second book on hold from the library, because I’m a completist, albeit one who knows when to quit.

3 thoughts on “Twilight by Stephenie Meyer”

  1. If you make it as far as the fourth book, there’s a section you really have to hold your nose and just plow through if you’re going to make it to the end. But at least it’s rarely difficult reading – you can skim and be just fine.

    My enjoyment of this series has so much to do with it being a way to work through some of my own stupid choices from decades ago with a bit of allegory to remove me a step or two from it, so it’s fun instead of just painful.

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