The Silver Chair and Two About Murder

We finished listening to the audio version of The Silver Chair by CS Lewis this week. I have always loved the humor of this book (particularly Puddleglum), and Jill Pole was the Lewisian girl I most connected with. I got teary-eyed at the end listening to the tender depiction of good King Caspian’s death and resurrection into Aslan’s country. It means more to me now that I’m an adult then it ever could have when I was a child.

The title Anne Perry and the Murder of the Century is a bit overblown, but I hadn’t realized that murder mystery author Anne Perry was actually Juliet Hulme from the real-life case on which Peter Jackson based his film Heavenly Creatures (a favorite of mine). Mostly I was impressed with the skill of the adaptation–all the smart choices made by Jackson and co-writer Fran Walsh in rendering all the depth and nuance of the story. I didn’t learn anything knew except for that tidbit about Perry.

I have to confess that I picked up the novel Where They Found Her because it had a blurb by Gillian Flynn. When a dead baby is found in the woods outside a university town, all sorts of shit get stirred up. That’s basically it. Everything is tidy and neatly connected by the end and while I kept reading I never felt sucked in or obsessed by it.