Tag Archives: David Yoo

Interview with Author David Yoo

I recently raved over David Yoo’s Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before, and I am so excited that he agreed to answer some questions. Hopefully this interview will pique your interest in reading the book! 1.) I could tell you were inspired by teen films from the 80s. What’s your touchstone film? And if Albert & Mia were 80s teen films, which ones would they be? Sixteen Candles was my touchstone film. In my opinion it’s by far the funniest and least corny…

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Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One Before by David Yoo

Synopsis: After winning the heart of the most popular girl in school, dorky Albert risks losing it all when her alpha ex-boyfriend develops Hodgkin’s. Review: Imagine the dorkiest kid you can imagine–the guy with no social filter, the one who’s never seen talking to anyone, who eats lunch in the cafeteria and never makes eye contact. Now picture the pretty popular girl with perfect calves and bouncy hair and a smile that’s an invitation to share in eternal happiness. Now make them kiss. You can’t…

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