Tag Archives: Booking Through Thursday

Goldilocks (Booking Through Thursday)

Do visit Booking Through Thursday and check out all the great responses to this week’s meme. Are you a Goldilocks kind of reader? Do you need the light just right, the background noise just so loud but not too loud, the chair just right, the distractions at a minimum? Or can you open a book at any time and dip right in, whether it’s for twenty seconds, while waiting for the kettle to boil, or indefinitely, like while waiting interminably at the hospital–as long as…

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Statistics (Booking Through Thursday)

This week’s question: There was a widely bruited-about statistic reported last week, stating that 1 in 4 Americans did not read a single book last year. Clearly, we don’t fall into that category, but . . . how many of our friends do? Do you have friends/family who read as much as you do? Or are you the only person you know who has a serious reading habit? I’ve always been the biggest reader in any of the groups of friends I’ve been in throughout…

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Indoctrination (Booking Through Thursday)

I’m a few days late with this but I loved the question, and decided to use it after finishing a work read about a rather lonely little girl. When growing up did your family share your love of books? If so, did one person get you into reading? And, do you have any family-oriented memories with books and reading? (Family trips to bookstore, reading the same book as a sibling or parent, etc.)

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Books to Film (Booking through Thursday)

I’m putting this post up in honor of an adaptation project I’m working on right now. From Booking through Thursday: 1. In your opinion, what is the best translation of a book to a movie? 2. The worst? 3. Had you read the book before seeing the movie, and did that make a difference? (Personally, all other things being equal, I usually prefer whichever I was introduced to first.)

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