Summer Reading Challenge

Regular commenters might have picked up on a little bit of news from Superfast Family, which is that I am expecting our first child in November. I’ve actually been reading a ton of books on pregnancy & childbirth but haven’t blogged about them because I’m reading them continuously throughout my pregnancy.

Anyway, I thought I’d use the Summer Reading Challenge as a way to motivate myself to reach one of my pre-baby goals:

I’m gonna read War and Peace.
By August 31st.
Hopefully sooner.

I’ll be interspersing my read with other, shorter books, so don’t worry–you will still get regular book reviews prior to The Big One.

Wish me luck!

9 thoughts on “Summer Reading Challenge”

  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck with War and Peace for the Summer Challenge. I’ll be waiting to read your thoughts on it. I read Anna Karenina back in January and really enjoyed that one. Maybe someday I’ll tackle War and Peace.

  2. War and Peace is lovely. I buried myself in it after I finished my undergraduate degree. I never wanted it to end.

  3. A few years ago I did the same thing… decided to “force” myself to read W&P. I found it a page-turner! It’s possible I lucked onto a good translation, but I bet you have a similar experience.

    I read Anna Karenina on my PDA, believe it or not!

  4. Alas, Acrobat Reader versions have left my vintage Palm in the dust. But my brother came to the rescue with an iPod. Audiobooks!!!

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