Paleo Cooking from Elana’s Pantry by Elana Amsterdam

Subtitled: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes.

I have recently gone grain free and it really has been the right decision for me. I’m losing weight and feeling great, all while eating a lot. I love to bake, so I’m keen to discover how to make tasty baked good without flour or other grains. I am intrigued by a lot of the recipes in Paleo Cooking from Elana’s Pantry as she is a blogger who comes up in search results a lot. The directions look easy, and the pictures tantalizing, so my only critique would be in her heavy reliance on almond flour, which my girls are both allergic to. I wouldn’t buy this cookbook for that reason, but I’ll continue to enjoy the recipes on her website.

Many thanks to Ten Speed Press for the review copy.