Non Fiction Meme

I’m late getting to Gautami’s Non Fiction Meme.

* a) What issues/topic interests you most in non-fiction, i.e, cooking, knitting, stitching, there are infinite topics that have nothing to do with novels? Books about food, books that explain scientific topics for general readers, biography, memoir, history, travelogues.

I love reading books about my hobbies, particularly knitting and cooking. My library is filled with books of film history, criticism, and theory. I like some books on Christianity by authors like CS Lewis and Dan Allender.

Lately I’ve been reading books on natural family living and breastfeeding because I’m interested in becoming a post-partum doula. I also enjoy reading about natural childbirth and the politics of childbirth and breastfeeding.

I went through a true crime phase in my 20s, but I can’t stomach them now. Small Sacrifices was a particular favorite.

I also like a good muckraking read, like Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation.

* b) Would you like to review books concerning those?

I’ve been reviewing some crafting books here, and I’d love to review some cookbooks!

* c) Would you like to be paid or do it as interest or hobby? Tell reasons for what ever you choose.

I have fantasies about reviewing for the New York Times, but right now it’s just a hobby. I’ve done film reviewing professionally, however, and enjoyed it.

* d) Would you recommend those to your friends and how?

I’m the queen of recommending books–it’s a big reason why I blog!

* e) If you have already done something like this, link it to your post.

Browse the tags below-

* f) Please don’t forget to link back here or whoever tags you.

I found it at Shelf Life, A Reader’s Journal, and Framed and Booked.

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