Annie Needs…

This is rather hilarious, courtesy of Petunia. It’s not at all book-related, but that’s okay because I didn’t read a book for this post. The results I got just tickled me so much that I couldn’t keep it to myself.

1. Go to
2. Type your name and the word ‘needs’ in quotes in the search engine and hit the button. Give us 13 that make sense, if you can.

1. Annie needs to be rescued by the armed forces (displaying male power), the entire rescue mission having been set in motion by the preeminent father figure, …

2. Volunteers are taking her out of the kennel each day, but this in no way replaces the companionship Annie needs. Annie needs a home. …

3. Annie Hall (1977). 77 reviews. Film rated 4.4 / 5 (Chick rating: 4.3 / 5) (Guy rating: 4.5 / 5 …. Manhattan Pygmalion needs eggs. … Annie needs a Woody. …

4. Annie Needs a Dog. Authored by: TinkToots on Wednesday, August 25 2004 @ 02:07 PM EDT. Dogs are great companions. But they need exercise, fresh air, …

5. ‘Why Annie needs her Coffee~repost January 04’. Hi everybody, We were out of our favorite coffee this morning, which made me remember this story.

6. She keeps her door unlocked, slightly ajar. If Annie needs someone, or if someone needs her, she cannot open the door. No one robs Annie. …

7. 7:30 AJ gets dressed and insists Annie needs to get dressed too. Then the three of us hop in the car where we either go out to the library, or if it’s a M, …

8. All Annie needs to know is that the relationship between Ryan/Spike and Zach is working. IMO, the rest should be of little consequence to her. …

9. While I don’t want Melissa Claire Egan fired in any way, I think Annie needs to be placed with an entirely new character. Some new male character needs to …

10. Specifically, interventions for Annie should consider the following. I. Annie needs a simple problem-solving/task-centered approach, which identifies her …

11. Annie needs to be ready to pounce. I get she trusts her husband – we all trust our husbands. But ladies… and you know what I’m talking about… when there is …

12. Annie needs some help… Annie has a bird feeder in Ohio that feeds birds fine, but occassionally some other creatures (perhaps some squirrels) get into it …

13. First, Annie needs to reclaim her place in the family. This means becoming aware of what she really wants from other family members and learning to speak …

4 thoughts on “Annie Needs…”

  1. Hi! I’ve just wandered over here for the first time today and I have to say, I love the title of your blog. : ) I’m a terribly slow reader, so if I had the choice of one superpower, being an otherwordly fast reader would be it!

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