The Girl in the Green Raincoat by Laura Lippman

Synopsis: On bed rest and housebound, detective Tess Monaghan gets concerned and starts an investigation when she stops seeing a stylish woman walking her dog. Review: I do love Laura Lippman, who sets her stories in Baltimore, where I was born and raised, but haven’t lived since 1991. Reading her books is at once nostalgic and fresh, and I enjoy trying to figure out the geography and have a thrill when I recognize a reference. The Girl in the Green Raincoat was a satisfying entry…

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Traitor’s Gate by Kate Elliott (Crossroads, Book 3)

Synopsis: The conclusion to a trilogy about a world at war. Review: If I were not the exhausted mother of two small children, perhaps I might be inclined to spend more time writing about Traitor’s Gate. But as it is, I am bummed that I spent my precious reading time on a trilogy with such a lackluster conclusion. I just really feel like I wasted my time.

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Clash of Kings by George RR Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 2)

Synopsis: With four kings fighting for control of Westeros and a dragon queen rising in the south, the scattered children of the executed traitor Eddard Stark try to survive the perils of civil war. Review: Continuing to love re-reading this series. I am just so in love with the complexity that Martin brings to his characters and the world. Yes, A Clash of Kings gets really dark, but the second time around I noticed how much hope he puts into the story. Martin is a…

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Pause for Power by Warren Wiersbe

Synopsis: Daily devotions from Bible teacher Dr. Warren Wiersbe. Review: Pause for Power is kind of perfect for me right now. I have hardly any time at all for myself, juggling two kids and freelance work and life in general. This book gives one verse and a short but profound meditation for each day. It’s no substitute for an in-depth Bible study but it still gives plenty to chew on. I have heard that Protestants love devotionals and study Bibles and all kinds of other…

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